Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cin cau and soyabean drink

One of the easiest item to make for functions or for the unexpected guest would be a drink. Not only does one need fluids to quench their thirst, but it can also act like a semi-dessert.. not too sweet or filling and light enough to keep the conversation running. Malaysia is truly blessed with kopitiam/ food outlets that serves a nice array of non-alcoholic drinks for customers to choose from and knowing what goes into these drinks helps us hosts keep our guests happy!

*Starbucks, Gloria Jean's or other franchised outlets do not count! We are definitely digging deep into our ancestor roots now*

This recipe is simple and only requires 2 ingredients. Yes, just 2 unless if you want to complicate matters by trying to produce the ingredients from scratch. Remember, we have to prepare some finger food for the guests too!

Cin cau / grass jelly
Soya bean milk

I got a can of grass jelly from my local Asian grocer for about aud$1.50 and I think it would suffice for about 8-10 serves? Bought a 2 litre bottle of soya bean milk for aud$3.30. These prices may vary depending on which grocer you go to.

Slice grass jelly into roughly 1cm cubes and place in individual glasses or into a big jug. Add soyabean and you are ready to serve!

How easy was that?:)

I was not very precise with my measurements but you get the idea;) Ps, this was only half of the can.

If you wait a little longer, you may see a nice colour gradient appear. Pretty impressive for something so easy to produce?

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